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Cashflow Analysis
bond redemptions

The management of bond redemptions can be crucial to the financial success of the Improvement District. When Property Owners prepay their assessments, the interest revenue is replaced with whatever is being earned by the local government Treasurer - while the bond interest cost remains constant.

Depending upon client preference established at setup, AMG can assist its clients manage their bonded indebtedness by preparing bond redemption advices. Bond redemption advices identify the date and amount of each bond to call, the call date, and notice deadlines.

Absolute Commitment to Superior Service, Resources, and Technology.
Assessment Management Group

Office: 702-796-0082 | Fax: 702-796-8826

* Installment Billings * Communications with Property Owners * Delinquent Billings * Payoffs * Lien Releases * Lockbox Analysis * Revenue Sufficiency Analysis * Bond Redemptions * Reserve Fund Maintenance * 1098 Statements * Foreclosure * Certificates of Sale * Title Company Communications * Mortgage Company Communications * Tax Service Coordination *

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