and Foreclosures
According to
Nevada Revised Statutes, the Assessment Ordinance, and the Bond
Indenture, assessments are delinquent the day after the due date.
A two percent monthly penalty will be added to delinquent assessments.
The penalty is a monthly
penalty and is not prorated. Monthly penalties are added
after each due date until the balance is paid in full. A delinquent
bill is mailed at the first of each month to the recorded owner
using the address from the County Assessors Office. It is the responsibility
of the owner to maintain a current and correct address at the County
Assessor's Office. All delinquent bills will be mailed via certified
mail, return receipt.
The municipality is required to commence foreclosure proceeding for the
collection of delinquent assessments. Within sixty days the municipality will
prepare a Resolution for Notice of Sale to be approved. A foreclosure fee will be charged
to all parcels during the third delinquent month. A Lot Book will be done
on all delinquent parcels in foreclosure. At least twenty days prior to the sale,
a Notice of Sale will be mailed to the parcel owner and all parties with a recorded
interest in the property. At least 15 days prior to the sale, the Notice of Sale
will be published in the local newspaper. The Notice of Sale will be published
once a week for three consecutive weeks.
At any time prior to the day of sale, the owner may pay the amount of delinquent
installments, with accrued interest, all penalties, and costs of collection accrued,
including but not necessarily limited to any attorney's fees, and thereupon shall
be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner
as if the default had not been made.
If any delinquency is not cured by the day of sale, the parcel will be foreclosed
upon. On the day of sale, the parcel will be sold to the first person willing
to pay the delinquent assessment, accrued interest, all penalties and costs of
collection accrued, including by not necessarily limited to any attorney's fees.
The first person is determined by the show of hands at the sale. If more then
one person wants the same parcel, the municipality will draw buyer numbers to
determine the buyer. The buyer then has until 10:00 a.m. of the next business
day to pay. When payment is made, a Certificate of Sale is recorded against the
To redeem the property the owner, or his grantee, mortgage, heir or other representative
must pay the amount on the Certificate of Sale plus monthly interest of one percent
(12 percent per annum) for every month the buyer holds the Certificate of Sale.
The monthly interest of one percent is not prorated. If there is a permanent residential
dwelling or any other significant permanent improvements on the property or as
determined by the governing body, the redemption period is two years. All other
cases are 120 days.
If the owner, or his grantee, mortgage, heir or other representative with the
foreclosed property does not redeem the Certificate of Sale within the redemption
period, the Certificate holder can demand the deed to the property. Certificate
holder redemption information can be obtained by contacting AMG.
The information presented here is intended for general information purpose and
is subject to interpretation and error. Readers may not rely upon this information
as legal advice. Any person seeking legal guidance should seek qualified legal
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